Lula e Bolsonaro se unem de modo a eleger 1 exatamente candidato e ensinam qual a política não é de modo a amadoresJamais atendeu ao pedido do Brasil para apresentar as atas que comprovariam a fraude. Depois, emitiu uma nota onde chamou Celso Amorim, assessor de Lula, de “lacaio do imperialismo”.A rede Ainda mais densa se concentra nas regi�… Read More
The Hague Academy for Local Governance What role can local governments play in peacebuilding? Community-based peacebuilding is at the heart of sustainable solutions to urban violence. In our latest article, we explore how cities like Recife, Brazil, have successfully implemented peacebuilding strategies that address root causes of violence while fo… Read More
Mr. Trump’s invoking of violence intensified his dispute with one of the most prominent political families in the nation and drew criticism from leaders of both parties.Smith is also overseeing a prosecution in a Florida federal court in which Trump is accused of mishandling sensitive government records after leaving the White House in January 20… Read More
E ela ressaltou a natureza vital da comunidade e seus 19 votos eleitorais — este que têm a oportunidade de bloquear seu sentido para a Coisa Branca se for para Trump, como aconteceu em o triunfo eleitoral do republicano em 2016.Câmara do Rio aprova projeto por lei complementar que determina multa para quem soltar fogos de artifícioClique para … Read More
Lula’s incarceration had brought an ongoing vigil outside the prison that became the focal point not only of “Free Lula” efforts but also of leftist activism in general. In November 2019 Lula was released from prison following a decision by the Supreme Court that overturned the Court’s earlier ruling requiring the incarceration of convicted… Read More